
He was born to Tareef El-Aimen and his wife Amelia Gray in Egypt. His mother was an english teacher abroad when she and Akil’s father Tareef fell in love and married soon after, young and eager. It wasn’t long after that Akil was born in Alexandria at Salama Hospital. A happy and healthy baby girl, he lived with his parents in Alexandria until he was four, when his parents got a divorce. His mother took him and returned to America.

His mother raised him alone in Alaska for the next several years until he was seven, it was around his time his mother started teaching him natural magic. The use of herbs and rituals in order to create something more rather than taking the energy from the world around them. Magic should be used in harmony, his mother always told him. Rather than ripping apart the world and remodeling them to your desires, use the natural course of being, move things the way they want to be moved.

Not long after she started teaching him her magic, they moved states. His mother got a better paying teaching job for a private school on the east coast in Massachusetts . It was there that Amelia met her current husband Lionel Sławomir. Now happily remarried and with a baby on the way, things were on track for a bright childhood. It was around this age, however, that young began to notice that the other children were different, they made fire burst at their fingertips and use wands and all these fancy robes. Akil didn’t.

A year later his little sister was born.

The first time Akil truly understood love for another being was when she grabbed onto his finger with her tiny hands, and stared up in wonder at the strange giant. He was utterly enchanted by his new little sister, and she soon became the center of his young world. He always wanted to take care of her and show her off to his friends.

As much as he loved his mother he started to pick up on the more common form of magic, finding himself excelling at it as his powers grew. He quickly became top of his class and graduated with high honors, getting his choice of schooling. He wanted to become an architect, using his magic for more practical purposes. He wanted to design and create new security systems for buisnesses. He lost himself in the modern world, never quite forgetting the traditions his mother taught him, but in this world is served him no purpose

It wasn’t until he was in his mid 30’s his mother got sick. He dropped everything he was doing to return to her side. The normally arrogant and self centered man nothing more than a boy when it came to his family. Even the best medics couldn’t figure out what was wrong with his mother, no matter what scans they did.

His mother knew what was wrong thought, and how to cure it. She whispered to look for an old book at their home, hidden under the wooden floor. It was a his great grandmothers book, the one his mother always look to in order to know what plant to grow or what to add to an elixer for the right results.

He read through it and found his mother symptoms and even a cure! He needed to get these plants immediately, he didnt have time. He searched high and low, throwing around the money gained from his career like it was candy because he’d do anything for her.

Unfortunately, one of the plants were lost to time…. No one really grew herbs anymore, why would you need to when any wound count be cured with the wave of a hand. No matter what he did he couldn’t find it.

His mother grew weaker, he was so close. He heard rumors of a dungeon that maybe held the seed and he rushed in, not thinking ahead.

He fell into a deep hole and woke surrounded by plants, they were growing out his hair and around his body and right there before his eyes, it wasn’t just the seed- it was the plant itself. This was exactly what he needed. He tried to use his magic to leave the cave but nothing happened. It wouldn’t work. He was trapped and had to use his mind and strengh to get out. Clawing his way up until his hands were raw and bloody. He’d always stayed in shape but never had he needed to do something so gruelling.

He was too late however, his mother died as he showed her the plant with a smile on her face surrounded by the ones she loved.

After that he’d vowved to upload tradition
Just because it wasn’t as convient doesn’t mean they should let these old ways disappear, you never know what you might need.


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